
Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am almost totally finished with my bathroom and I can truly say this CAN be done on the cheap! I am so thrilled with the way it is turning out. Last night after our company left, I finished up the sink skirt and the shower curtain. I have been scouring discount stores, department stores, and boutiques for the perfect shower curtain and found NOTHING. I wanted to customize it so that I could raise it to the ceiling. I had finally come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to buy fabric and make my own. Then, like a lighting bolt, the Lord reminded me of a pair of curtain panels that my sister had given me that I was saving to use for pillows. I pulled them out and LOVED the stripes. They were too short, so I decided to cut off the tabs and add burlap to the length that I needed. I had the rod too! YAY! This was working out great! I finished the curtain and made the sink skirt out of drop cloth and burlap. It ended up that I had to cut a strip of fabric off the curtain and it worked great as trim on the skirt. This tied them both together giving them a custom look. Everything I used I already had. Using things your already own and thinking outside the box is a perfect way to breathe new life into your decor without spending much money. Y'all are going to have to forgive my photography here. This room looks so much better in person. It's so hard to get this tight, unlit space in my lens.

I am still looking for a new mirror and a pretty chandelier to give it a little glam.

I bought the runner on clearance at Lowe's. It was 48.00. This has been my biggest expense so far.

I am a HUGE lover of fresh flowers in my house. I couldn't pass up these pretty tulips when I was at Publix today! I love the pop of color it adds to the room.

I'm almost done! As soon as I finish this one, my kitchen cabinets are getting a makeover!


  1. You have done such a good job! Your bathroom looks so bright, fresh and pretty!

  2. it is looking fabulous!!! how is the painted tile holding up? i ask because i am interested in doing it in a bathroom i have possibly, but it makes me nervous!

  3. Looking so good! I love when it all comes together and it's out of some stuff we already had!

    Creatively Living Outside the Box

  4. I love to hear about how the Lord gave you the idea to use those curtains - this happens to me all the time when I am working on things!

  5. Kelli,

    I love it! Can you give some details on how you made the sink skirt? I'd love to do something similar for our sink.

  6. Praise the Lord for the wonderful ideas He gives us... Your stripe shower curtain... looks so pretty. Isn't He good!

  7. Wow! It looks fabulous! I love it when the Holy Spirit touches us with wisdom and helps us remember what things we have and how we could possibly use them!! So cool!!

  8. Your bathroom redo looks fresh and pretty. I know I missed something here, but did you paint all of your tiling? If so, what did you seal the paint with? Great job!

  9. great job, i am still impressed that u tackled painting your tile! that's a lot of work and commitment! i love the custom shower curtain and sink skirt. i always say God didn't make me a rich woman so i could realize my creative potential~ i think you'd agree! i love that u used what u had~ that's my style too! love everything you do! my blog is a bit of a mess right now, due to technical difficulties, but i'd love it if you'd stop by~ thanx!

  10. You are so thrifty and talented and such an inspiration for me. Your bathroom is looking beautiful.

  11. I love the burlap as trim! Don't you love it that you did this yourself and used things you already had on hand? That is such a satisfying feeling. Great work!

  12. It looks fresh and pretty for sure! I love that you used what you had on hand - sometimes that makes for the best creativity!!


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