
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


No, I am not above going through someone else's garbage when I see something that catches my eye. I have no quams, no issues, no problems....I would just rather do it at night!  Today, it was broad daylight.  My neighbor was cleaning out her mom's attic  and just chunking stuff to the curb for the trash! I was a little embarrassed because I didn't know her but I was not about to let what I saw either get picked up by someone else or be thrown in the landfield. I jumped out of the car and immediately asked her if I could have a few things. One of them being this awesome globe!

After I picked up the globe I found this huge book sitting REALLY close to the water in the gutter. Thank God it didn't get wet because it was an unabridged Websters Dictionary from 1942. I thought it was so neat!

After my neighbor left, I went back several times. I found some more old books for book wreaths an old rusty bell and a vintage industrial light fixture. I am most certain, several of my neighbors were peering through the blinds watching me. Probably because I watched several of them do it themselves to see what they would find! HA! My mom found a vintage coleman cooler, never used, an old typewriter and some great vintage plaid thermoses. Nothing like Free!
Have you ever gotten something great out of the trash?
If you have, what was your favorite find?


  1. Check out my blog. I don't buy anything. Either my friends give it to me or call me about things they see or I find things while minding my own business. I can't believe someone would throw out that dictionary.

  2. It's unbelievable the things that people throw away. I guess its a good thing for people who like to repurpose.

  3. Man I am jealous!! All that stuff sounds awesome!!! I just saw a vintage plaid thermos for 30 bucks at a antique store!!

  4. My neighbor had a small plaid loveseat out last week on trash day. I seriously thought about how cute it would look with a slipcover, but I was sure I would never get my husband to help me carry it in. You really hit the jackpot with the dictionary. Good job!

  5. I work at a school and have spent the whole week, so far, finding treasures and repurposing, my dream vacation! Love that globe and a typewriter for your mom, good for her!! I've found so much, but I did recently post about a bench I found...Happy treasure hunting,Lezlee

  6. What great finds! Our area does not allow you to place anything, except for what fits in a can, on the curb. I bet I am missing out on some good stuff.

  7. I found a brown and tan wing back chair missing a leg. My dad put the leg back on and it is a great addition to our living room!

  8. Oooh super cool finds! Good looking out!

  9. Wow!! Good for you!

    I have never actually pulled things from a garbage can, but I sure have dug through stuff on the side of the road. I have hauled home some good stuff like old shutters, an beautiful old wooden ladder, old doors and other great stuff.

  10. You know what they say "one man's trash is another man's treasure"! Well, I truly believe that, I have found some great pieces of furniture put out for garbage.

  11. I found a wonderful wing back chair and a dresser!! Also some old Christmas decorations including mercury ornies!! Woot!!
    Love the globe

  12. Great finds! It must be fun to go 'garbage hopping' with your mom. :) I want to go.

  13. I couldn't even begin to tell you what my favorite find was...there have been soooo many!
    We live in a small town and only have heavy trash pick up during one weekend a year in the spring....last year I came home with TWO truck loads every single night that week!!

  14. our neighbors used to throw out stuff all the time, mostly things not very interesting but I did get some really neat lattice pieces a couple of summers ago that I spray painted and used in several places outside...they look great! now that they are moving I'm anxious to see if they put anything good on the curb....I'm not ashamed to be a "curb lady" either!


  15. I havent done it much, but I did find a nice piece of lattice that we use in our garden, and last year I picked one of those metal carts that people use at flea markets or antique shows, it was in perfect shape and the owner even helped me unload the other garbage that was in it. I will keep my eyes open for more stuff now, and hte heck with the neighbors, haha

  16. Good for you and your mom! The most rewarding find for me was a little child's "car" (you know the little "bug type") The child was super excited as her family had been unable to spend extra money on this type of toy!

  17. I found some old barrels. I used them for pot gardening. They lasted a couple more years in my garden. Before the bottoms rotted out.

    I loved them! They were perfect. Three different heights for an eye catching view.

    I love free too!

  18. What great free finds! You lucky duck!


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