
Saturday, September 3, 2011


I went to my first auction tonight, hauling my husband and both kids with me. It's 11:23 PM and we are just getting home. We had a load of fun and I'll share it with you in a later post.

I've been working on furniture for the new space. Here is a little sneak of a table scape and a french table I worked on yesterday.

When I took the girls to the lake this past time, the water was WAY down. I was able to comb the banks for some really cool drift wood.

I'm not quite done with this table yet, but check out those legs! I'll give you the full reveal in a few days.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Wow...I can't wait to see the full thing. I love the little wreaths with rosettes. Great touch.

    Miss Mustard Seed

  2. Tantalizing!! Can't wait to see the rest!!

  3. What a TEASE!! C'mon, C'MON already!!! :)

  4. The table looks wonderful!...How was your first auction? My husband goes to 3 a week sometimes! much fun!


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