
Friday, July 6, 2012


I have been glued to my computer it feels like for DAYS learning how to code my own wordpress theme for the transition. I am hoping that I will be through in the next week or so. I hope that I still have hair, nails and all of the things that I have pulled, bitten, twisted or otherwise used as a frustration relief. Its hard! I had great intentions of hiring someone to help me, however, my milk paint investment ate up my blog overhaul money, { VERY well worth the trade}.
Switching to wordpress is a business decision that I made after Haven, realizing that if I truly wanted to blog for a living, this was my first step.

While I am in the process of moving platforms, I am also re addressing my graphics, logos, business cards, media kits and all of the other necessary business tools. Y'all  bare with me! I hope this transition is smooth for you as well. If you are reading this blog through Google Friend Connect, I am asking you kindly to subscribe via email or RSS feed. I will be losing this feature in wordpress. So that there is no further confusion I will be removing this feature in the next few days.  Here is a sneak peak of some of the new graphics and the new header. I don't have high resolution graphics from the girl who helped me with my current design so I had to start over. Its okay though! I think I like this better!

I promise I will be back to normal really soon!


  1. Hey there! Making progress on the migration? I wish i could help! When I went to watch Marian's video tonight I saw little ol' you over there on the right hand side of my screen - dark waxing a dresser. Had to watch your video just to get a little Kelli in my day!
    Miss you -

  2. Kelli I am so glad I'm not the only one making the switch! I actually made just this exact same post on my blog today too. My husband set up a temporary behind-the-scenes site for me so I could practice and I totally know what you mean about hair pulling and nail biting. It's stressful. I'm guessing you were in the "I like big blogs" class with me! I hope your transition goes smoothly as I know there can be some bumps. Have no fear, I follow via RSS already.
    Wishing you luck for a smooth transition!

  3. Wow! Seems to be a trend today! Hope it goes smoothly!


I appreciate each one of you and love to read your comments. Even though it is impossible to respond to each one, please know that I read them all. You guys are the best! I pray for y'all daily and consider each one of you my friend.