
Monday, June 25, 2012


My plan today was to break down all of the notes that I took at Haven and start tackling them one at a time. I have a notebook full of tips and ideas that I want to begin implementing as well as a stack of business cards that I would like to begin going through. I want to visit each blog and chat with each person that I came into contact with. I met so many amazing and talented bloggers. However, squirrels put an end to that bright and early. I woke up to no Internet, TV or phone and tech support couldn't help me out of it. It took a team of several different Uverse guys to figure out that squirrels had eaten our wiring over night. I finally got it all situated at about 6:00 PM tonight.

So, instead, I pulled out some of my entertaining gear and started working on a July 4th celebration table. I am thinking of having my family over for a cook out since the holiday falls in the middle of a work week. 
I don't have any plate chargers but I am a sucker for a silver tray. I pick them up anytime I see them at estate/garage sales and thrift stores. I stuck the standard size tray that I own under a dinner plate and it made a beautiful charger. No need to polish. The patina is wonderful, tarnish and all.


My napkins are 79 cent IKEA dish towels that I picked up on my way home from Haven.  When we are done using them as napkins, I will either save them for another event or use them as they are dish towels.  Place cards are a breeze when you use shipping tags from Staples and a little bit of hemp twine. I used a black felt tip pen to write out my sister's name. The tag around my mason jars are free printables here.  There are a lot of cute ideas on this site for using them. Now bring on the BBQ!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelli! Glad you're home safe but I'm so sorry to hear about those pesky squirrels! Cute ideas in the setting above!! I'm gathering my 4th of July posts too. I love those napkins - I also have a silver platter addiction :-)
    I haven't started organizing all my Haven stuff yet - hope to get to it today or tomorrow. Talk to you soon!
    Hugs! ~ Jennifer


I appreciate each one of you and love to read your comments. Even though it is impossible to respond to each one, please know that I read them all. You guys are the best! I pray for y'all daily and consider each one of you my friend.