
Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I have spent the past few days getting ready to head to Washington DC with AK's girl scout troop. I love summer! I am looking forward to spending some time with my family and visiting the historical landmarks that I have only read about in my history books. I am not sure, however, that I am looking forward to 12 hours in the car. I'm psyching myself up for it and looking for some great books to add to my Kindle. 

 You guys had some great projects this week! I spent the evening with AK running some last minute errands and getting my feet ready for summer with a pedicure. I love that she is getting old enough to enjoy doing this with me. We had a good dinner together and did nails and toes. She snuggled up to me on the couch wanting to see what I was doing. She was very interested in all of the projects and wanted to look at each one with me. I decided to choose her favorite and I have to say I loved it too!
Small Home Love created these lovely, framed maps shaped in a heart. She made them for a friend who had lived in several different US cities as well as Spain. A grouping of these on the wall will not only make a great statement but also ad sentimental value to your decor that I believe is so important. I love that each time her friend looks at these maps, she is reminded of the great time she had in these cities.

For some extra fun, I have featured one of your projects on Homewood's Blog here. Check it out!

So what have you been up to? Grab a button, link back and post something that you have made look better than it did before. Have fun!


  1. I keep thinking about making one of those heart maps! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yay! That was a fun surprise to see my DIY canning jar lights as the feature on your other site, thank you! Thank you too for hosting each week, I appreciate it. Little Bit

  3. Kelli, thank you so much for hosting every week, you are appreciated!

    Hugs, Tanya


I appreciate each one of you and love to read your comments. Even though it is impossible to respond to each one, please know that I read them all. You guys are the best! I pray for y'all daily and consider each one of you my friend.