
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Printing on Fabric

I missed you guys yesterday! The Hubs and I celebrated our 14th Wedding Anniversary, I had a million things to do and both kids were out of school. We spent the afternoon with some friends at the zoo and then went out to a lovely dinner BY OURSELVES. Good times....

So I have been anxious to try this new printing on fabric thing that I have seen all over Bloggersville. I had a little bit of extra fabric left over from my drop cloth slipcover project so I thought I would try it out! Look how cute this is!!! What a fabulous invention! Kudos to whomever came up with this idea....

I thought I would give a little tutorial because this is SUPER easy!!!

Here is your supply list:
* Spray Adhesive
* Printer Paper or Card Stock
* Ink Jet Printer
*Cotton Canvas or Linen ( Must be a tight weave)
* Piece of newspaper to protect your table surface

I have an embroidery machine so I used a spray adhesive that I already had. You can use any kind of spray adhesive you want to as long as its re positional. You don't want it to permanently stick. I tried using both card stock and regular printer paper and they both worked great. I layed out some newspaper and sprayed the adhesive onto the paper. I then placed my fabric on top making sure that it was taught and smooth with no bubbles or wrinkles. Then I trimmed all around the paper, making sure that no strings were hanging. I would hate to know what those would do to our printers! When you are done, it should look like a piece of paper size 8.5x11.

When you load the fabric into the printer, make sure that you put it fabric side down. You can use any image you want to. I prefer graphics from the graphics fairy and you can find them here.

The Graphics Fairy

Your image will come out beautifully just like this one!! All you have to do is peel the paper off and discard it. You can use these for so many different projects. I am going to try and show you several in the next few days. I used mine to make this cute pillow!

Make sure you come back tomorrow! I'm going to show you how to make this adorable little burlap flower!! If you liked this tutorial, please share it with someone!

I will be sharing this at the following parties! projects




  1. This is just adorable! Thanks so much for this great tutorial. I am itching to try this. Your pillow is so cute and I love the burlap flower!

  2. Girl love the pillow looks great!!! I use my computer to make some of my pillows. When and if you use burlap I just get that wide masking tape and fold it over at the end that feeds into the printer and it prints great. I think the masking tape gives the printer something to catch on. Great job!!

  3. That is a great idea! Now, I just wish I had not switched from ink jet to laser a couple of years ago :(

  4. Very nice Kelli!! Great job!

    Come and see my latest find, would love your comments, I will also have a new giveaway soon!

    Art by Karena

  5. I love this tutorial!!! Your flower pillow is so beautiful and the transfer print is fab!!
    I mean...could it be any easier?? Ha! I am definitely going to give this a try.

  6. I love it! I can't wait to give this a try.
    Thanks for the tutorial.

  7. I've been afraid to try this but now I HAVE to! I'm your newest follower (from Hope Studios)

  8. That is brilliant!! Going to have to try this!

  9. I really want to try this.
    I have some cute pictures that would make great pillows for the grands oh the ideas I have come up with already!

    Thank you for inspiring me,

  10. I have tried this and then my older kids and I were sending material through the printer like crazy! Your pillow is gorgeous! theresa xoxo

  11. A beautiful pillow, so sweet. And thank you for the tutorial.

  12. Gorgeous project! Thank you for sharing the tut!!

  13. Really beautiful!!! Printing on fabric is my new addiction, it's so much fun! The burlap ruffle you added is adorable!

  14. Love it! Very clever. You can also iron freezer paper to the back of your fabric to stabilize it for printing. I see some new "faux grainsack" pillows in my future.

  15. love it. is this a regular printer.

  16. I absolutely cannot get it to go through the dang printer. I have it ironed onto some freezer paper, that didn't work, so added another sheet of paper to that AND taped it for something to hold onto and it starts, but won't get into the rollers....

  17. Love it! Thank you for sharing, can't wait to see how to make the flower!


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